Hello Analog Universe!
In this latest release, we focused our efforts on building in new features and fixing bugs!
What's new?
Add to Spectrum - Try visiting another user's profile, you'll notice a plus sign icon on the right of their name, click on this to add their posts to your Spectrum. You'll find all of the posts of the user's you've added in your Tags/Follows tab as well as your All tab.
Email Verification - We added an icon on the top right corner of your profile page where you can easily verify your email address.
Edit Profile button - You'll find this button when clicking into the Hamburger Menu at the very top of the menu options.
Profile Page
As you scroll through your Analogs you'll notice the date lives at the top of the screen for you to easily refer to.
The default view of your profile page is now set to Normal View, to change these settings click on the filter button at the top right corner of the screen.
What did we fix?
Orbit - Upcoming Analogs for today - We fixed bugs here!
Analog Visibility Settings - We fixed bugs here, give it a try. Create an Analog and set your Analog's privacy settings to 'Specific People', then click on 'Apply to Visibility, Notes and Comments + Tags'. The user/s you selected in your privacy settings will automatically be tagged to the Analog.
Analog Groups - We fixed the 'My Group' and the 'Create Group' buttons. You'll find these by going to the Hamburger Menu > Groups. Click on the Create Group button at the top right corner of the screen to create your first Analog group!