Setting a limit of who can only see your post is doable within the Analog app when creating and posting activity.
To add and specify the privacy settings, simply:
- Click on the Create Analog button.
- Put in your Analog description which would be the main content and idea of your e.g. Daily Workout.
- Set the analog timer.
- Tap the Set Privacy and select an option of who can see your analog post.
- Select privacy post settings either Public, Connections, Connection except, Specific Connections, and Only Me. To select, put a mark on the radio button.
- Once a privacy post setting has been selected, click the back button to go back to the Create Analog page.
- On the Create Analog page – additionally, you can optionally set a repeat to have your post recur, even add media, enable time change, or even tag connections or a location.
- Once done, hit the Post